When you work as an independent contractor, it can be difficult to get paid from all the people you work for. You don't have the peace of mind of having direct deposit put your money in your bank account every two weeks, and you must track who has paid you and go after those that forgotten. When you are having difficulties getting paid from someone that you have worked for, it may require legal assistance to finally get the money that is owed to you. Here are some tips to help you out.
Gather Your Paper Trail
If the reason for missing a payment was because of a check they gave you that bounced, you will need to make sure you have your own copy of their check. You'll need to go back to the bank to get the necessary paperwork, which can include a statement showing the date you tried to deposit the check and how it did not clear.
For jobs that are hourly, you may have time tracking software that proved the hours that you were working during that time frame. Even a copy of a time card can be enough evidence to prove that you were working during that time period.
When your paycheck is based off of commissions due to sales that you made, you may have a more difficult time proving that you actually made sales. This is where a lawyer will really be helpful. They can help get the courts to demand that the sales documents are turned over, which will help prove that you are owed money. When the company claims that there is no sales record, you will need another way to prove you are still owed money.
In addition to getting your missing pay, a lawyer will help you get money back due to the check not clearing, such as overdraft fees.
Find A Witness
There will be a lot of legwork to track down witnesses that can prove you were owed money. If your sales were with other people or businesses, you'll need to revisit those clients and ask them to give an official statement that you made the sale with them. It will be difficult, but an employee of your previous employer can help prove your case as well. Of course, they may not be as willing to help because of how it will affect their employment standing.
No matter what work needs to be done to get paid, work with a lawyer, like Oliver & Co legal services, to make the process easier.
Share7 April 2016