3 Important Things You Should Know Before You Bail a Loved One Out of Jail

Law Blog

You probably do not want to think about the prospect of a loved one getting arrested. However, many people face this life-changing event. In many cases, the accused individuals will need the help of a loved one to bond them out of jail, and that is the beginning of what could be a long legal battle. People who have never had to seek the services of a bail-bond agency often do not understand what their responsibilities are when they bond someone else out of jail. The following are a few points you should understand if you are faced with this decision. 

Signing a bond signifies that you feel like the accused individual will comply with the bond terms.

Some people think that co-signing on a bond only has the purpose of getting someone out of jail. This is not a sign-it-and-forget-it type of arrangement. You are essentially saying that the accused individual will show up for court and that they will not attempt to flee to avoid prosecution. If they do, you can be held liable for any financial losses the bond agency incurs as a result of the accused individual's actions. 

As a co-signer, you can request that the bonding company places certain stipulations in the bond agreement.

Some people have to endure numerous phone calls and pleas for help from their loved ones from jail. This can be an unnerving experience, and this is why some co-signers finally agree to bail out their loved ones. Perhaps you will face a situation when you have a loved one accused of a crime such as drug possession or DUI. You could ask the bonding agency to stipulate that substance-abuse treatment and abstinence are required for the individual to remain free on bond. Sometimes judges include these stipulations when they set bond at hearings, but you should ask to be sure if this is a concern. 

You should cooperate with the bond agency if your loved one skips bond.

Unfortunately, some people who are accused of crimes do not think of the consequences of alluding law officials. They also do not think about the burden this can place on the people who bailed them out of jail. The bond agency accepts a high risk when they agree to bond individuals out, and you place yourself into the equation when you bond other people out of jail. Although you and your loved one may love each other, you and the bond agency will have a shared financial interest. This is why it is important to notify the bond agency if a person you bond out participates in activities that violate their bond agreement or attempt to allude authorities. 


9 November 2016