Most Common Locations Where Slip And Fall Cases Occur In A Grocery Store

Law Blog

If you own a grocery store, it is highly likely that you spend a fair amount of your time focusing on the prevention of accidents inside of your store. From the possibility of falling objects to the threat of a customer taking home spoiled food, there are all kinds of things to think about where safety is concerned. However, there is one pressing matter that will probably find its way to the forefront of your thoughts everyday: you have to prevent slip and fall injuries. Take a look at the most common areas in a grocery store for slip and fall incidents to occur so you can better protect these areas.

Household Chemical Aisle

The household chemical aisle in your grocery store is probably brimming with everything from liquid laundry detergent to air fresheners and these things all have one thing in common: they leak out and get spilled quite frequently. Because detergents and other household cleaning supplies can leave a slippery residue on the floor, you have to be extremely vigilant about cleaning up spills both promptly and correctly. Make sure you have spill stations set up near this aisle stocked with the instructions and supplies necessary to tend to any spilled  product.

Soft Drink and Beverage Aisle

Liters, gallons, cans, and bottles of sugary soft drinks and beverages can definitely be a problematic point if you are trying to keep your grocery store as safe as possible. Not only are spills bound to happen, because some of the drinks are carbonated, when a spill happens, it will spew far and wide out into the aisle and the areas surrounding the aisle. Make sure you have safeguards in place to prevent drinks from tumbling off the shelves, such as end pieces that snap onto the edge of traditional shelves to hold merchandise in place.

Store Entry/Exit Points

The entry and exit points of your store can easily be considered one of the places where a slip or fall is likely to occur. This is where precipitation gets tracked in on the shoes of your customers and if you have automatic doors, you may even have occasional issues with precipitation blowing inside. Because of this, it is crucial that you have someone nearby who keeps an eye on the flooring conditions and dries up any moisture immediately. Likewise, make sure you have anti-slip, absorbent mats in place to keep moisture at bay and help customers dry their feet when coming inside.

For more information, contact professionals like Knafo Law Offices.


7 June 2017