Many people who file insurance claims think the matter will be resolved within a couple of weeks. While this has been known to happen, in many cases, it will take months to settle the case and sometimes longer. Here are two things can cause your auto accident claim to be drawn out and what you can do to about them.
You're Asking for a Lot of Money
When it comes to an auto accident claim, no one wants to pay the bill, not the insurance company and certainly not the liable party. And the bigger the bill, the more resistant people become when it comes time to take out the checkbook and pay what's owed. Therefore, it's not unusual for insurance companies to drag out the process for as long as they possibly can.
There are a couple of reasons for this. First, the insurance company is evaluating the case from every angle looking for a way to either pay less than what you're asking or legally deny the claim outright. While insurance companies are expected to do their due diligence, a second reason for delaying settlements is to frustrate claimants into giving up and just taking the insurance adjusters' low-ball offers. In some cases, the company is attempting to run out the clock on the statute of limitations so you can't sue.
If the insurance company seems to be giving you the runaround, you should hire an attorney if you don't already have one. Insurance companies may not want to pay the claim, but they want to incur the expense of defending a lawsuit even less. The act of hiring an attorney will often, magically, get things moving in your claim. Additionally, your attorney knows how to negotiate with the insurance company and will ensure you receive a fair settlement that addresses your needs.
There's Disagreement About Liability
Another common thing that hinders settlements is disagreement over who is liable for the incident. It isn't always clear who is responsible for the plaintiff's damages and losses, especially when there are multiple parties involved.
For instance, a driver T-bone's you at an intersection. However, he or she lost control of the vehicle because of a manufacturer's defect. Not only can the driver be liable in this situation if the person knew about the defect and did nothing about it, the manufacturer may be on the hook for damages too. Unfortunately, the parties will argue with each other about liability, delaying resolution of your settlement while they hash it out.
When it comes to liability, it's critical to gather as much evidence as you can showing where the fault lies. Video, audio, documentation, and eye-witness testimony can help clarify who's responsible and prevent the person from trying to lay blame elsewhere.
For help with your personal injury case, contact an attorney such as Thomas A Blake.
Share17 July 2017