Reasons To Hire A Real Estate Attorney When Buying A House

Law Blog

While you are not required by law to hire a real estate attorney to help you when buying a house, there are some really good reasons you might want to. A real estate attorney specializes in real estate deals and can work for the home seller or the home buyer. As the person buying a house, there are several reasons you should not attempt to buy a house without an attorney helping you, and here are some of the main ways an attorney will help you.

The attorney will help you prepare a contract

To buy a house, you must write up a contract called a purchase offer. If you do not have an attorney, your real estate agent will be the person helping you. The only problem with this is that the agent might work for both you and the seller of the home. If this is the case, the agent will not have your best interest in mind, and this could cause problems for you.

If you hire an attorney, he or she will work solely for you. This means that the attorney will help you create a purchase offer that fully benefits and protects you.

The attorney can handle title issues

Secondly, you will be required to get title work completed for the house you are buying, and there is a chance that there will be an issue with the title. If there is, resolving it can be difficult and time-consuming. If you have an attorney working for you, he or she will know exactly what to look for with the title work and exactly how to fix the problem that comes up.

The attorney will know how to handle easements and related issues

Having an attorney helping you is also important if you discover that the property has an easement on it or something similar. When you purchase a property with an easement, you will be stuck with it unless you can get it removed. If it is not necessary to keep the easement, your lawyer will work on getting it removed.

It's also important to know that problems can arise during the homebuying process, and some of the problems can be complicated. If you try to purchase a home alone, you would have no one there to help you work through these issues, and this could create problems.

If you are buying a house, you should consider hiring a real estate attorney for help. Your attorney will protect you in this purchase and will help you with every single step.

To learn more, reach out to companies like David S. Riehl, Attorney At Law


8 August 2018