Being charged with domestic violence gives you the chance to defend yourself in court. In the meantime, however, there are lots of rules that you'll need to follow. It's common for protection orders to be placed after a domestic violence arrest, meaning that you'll need to cease contact with the alleged victim in your case. There may also be other restrictions placed upon you. One challenging restriction is a move-out order, in which the court orders you to leave the residence that you've shared with the alleged victim. You may be reluctant to heed this order given the upheaval that it will create, but compliance is a must. Here are some places that you can go.
Stay With A Friend
When you receive a move-out order, it generally needs to happen promptly. For example, local police officers may accompany you to your residence and wait for you to collect a selection of personal items that you'll need. You may struggle with knowing where to go, but a good first step is to find a friend with whom you can stay as you evaluate your next options. If you've already hired a criminal defense attorney, he or she will likely recommend that you take this step because your friend can provide moral support at this difficult time.
Consider An Extended-Stay Hotel
Your friend may be content with you staying at his or her house indefinitely, but there can be challenges to constantly being in someone else's space. If you're ready for a move after some time has elapsed, another option to consider is an extended-stay hotel. This type of accommodation offers you reasonable rates and provides a home-like environment. Your attorney may note that this environment can be ideal if you have children. For example, if you've been charged with domestic violence against your spouse, your kids may still be able to visit you at your hotel.
Shop For A Rental Unit
The circumstances of domestic violence charges can vary considerably, but if you feel as though you won't resume living with your significant other regardless of how the court case winds up, it's never too early to start looking for a place to live. While some people have the means to buy a condo or a house, perhaps a better option is to shop for a rental unit. You can usually find a place to rent quickly, which means that you'll be able to get settled and try to regain some sense of normalcy in your life while your defense attorney works on your case.
If you have been charged with domestic violence, speak to a criminal defene attorney such as Shefferman Law today.
Share10 October 2019