Experienced an Auto Accident? What to Know When Talking to an Insurance Adjuster

Law Blog

If you were involved in an auto accident that resulted in an injury, the insurance adjuster for the other driver will likely reach out to you and ask you some questions. Here is what you need to know when talking to the insurance adjuster with a personal injury lawsuit pending.

Don't Mistake a Friendly Attitude About Receiving Help

When you are contacted by the defendant's insurance adjuster, chances are that they are going to be very friendly when asking for a statement about the accident. Many people take this attitude the wrong way and assume that their friendly behavior means that they are going to be on your side and help you receive the compensation you deserve. The truth is that the insurance adjuster is taking your statement because they are trying to find parts of your story that they can use against you. Their goal is to pay as little for your injury case as possible, and there are things that you might say in a verbal statement that can hurt your case.

Don't Be Afraid to Ask to Call Them Back

It is easy to be caught off guard when you are contacted by an insurance adjuster. In fact, you may even feel a bit emotional during the call, which can cause you to ramble or say more than you have to when giving a statement. It is okay to tell the insurance adjuster that you will call them back to give your statement. You can always make a call to your personal injury lawyer for advice on what to say and what not to mention. You should talk to them when you are prepared, calm, and have the ability to pause and think about the words that you are about to say. This is not a conversation you want to have while feeling rushed at work or while performing some other task. 

Don't Answer Any Questions You Don't Know the Answer To

It is possible that you are going to be asked questions about your accident that you do not know the answer to. This is not the time to prove that you are smart and guess the answer to the question. It is perfectly acceptable to say that you do not know the answer to the question so that you do not give an answer that is incorrect. Every answer that you give will be recorded, and has the potential to be used against you in court, so many sure that you choose your words carefully when giving a statement and take the time to think about your response. 


14 May 2020