Why You Should Not Put Off Your Chapter 7 Filing

Law Blog

Bankruptcy is an important decision, but if you put off the filing, you might just be making matters worse. Read on and learn why this is one action to avoid procrastinating.

You May Feel Embarrassed

It's natural that people want to do the right thing and take responsibility for their debts. High interest rates and penalty fees on credit cards, though, could mean you will never be able to pay off a card completely without winning the lottery. Once you contact a bankruptcy lawyer, you are sure to encounter acceptance and support from the staff and lawyer once you arrive.

Are You Being Harassed?

It can be very annoying to cope with bill collectors. They may (legally) contact you every day in several different ways and it can seem unrelenting. Naturally, collection agency actions can bring on feelings of stress and hopelessness. Once you file, though, all of that contact goes away and you can once again live in peace.

Are You Being Sued?

Unfortunately, bills left unpaid can lead to court cases, and those are cases you are not likely to win. A chapter 7 filing will immediately bring a halt to all court cases, but it's less complex if you take action and file for bankruptcy before you are sued.

Wage Garnishment Problems

Court judgments and unpaid bills may also lead to wage garnishments and liens on your property. After you file, those will be removed, but it can take a few weeks before you see your full paycheck again or have full access to your property. Don't wait to file so you can avoid those hassles.

Get Things Off to a Quick Start

You can make things speedier if you appear at your bankruptcy lawyer's office ready to file. What you bring with you can make all the difference in the world, so take note of the following:

  1. Who You Owe – This list will make up your creditor matrix and should be complete and accurate. Note the name of the creditor, the account number, and the latest balance for each account. Don't forget auto loans, medical debts, personal loans, payday loans, and tax debts.
  2. What You Own – If your vehicles and home are paid off, include a copy of the deed or a recent appraisal. Also list any valuable jewelry, art, collectibles, boats, and more.
  3. What You Earn – A recent pay stub is needed. Also acceptable is a bank statement or your latest tax return.
  4. Court cases – Bring along a copy of your court paperwork, Also bring information about foreclosures, repossessions, judgments, liens, and wage garnishments.

Speak to your bankruptcy lawyer to find out more.


5 October 2021